We welcome you at the IChO 2023

Professor Günther Dissertori
President of IChO 2023 and Rector of ETH Zurich
"We are very excited to host the 55th International Chemistry Olympiad 2023 in Zurich at ETH. After more than 30 years of attending International Chemistry Olympiads, Switzerland hosts this exciting event next year for the first time.
Finding Solutions will be the main theme of the International Chemistry Olympiad 2023.
Being a lecturer myself, I am aware of the power of knowledge and a believer in sharing information and teamwork and to remain curious and passionate in finding solutions to the issues that are affecting our world.
Passion, innovation, creativity, team spirit and most of all enthusiasm for chemistry will bring the world’s best chemistry talents together. But apart from all the hard work at the competition we also will have fun and entertainment.
Most of all, the participation in an IChO influences everyone for a lifetime and can be groundbreaking for a further career.
After long years of online Olympiads due to demanding times, we hope we will meet and greet you all in person in Zurich.
As the President of the IChO 2023 and Rector of ETH Zurich I look forward to welcoming all the young students, mentors, observers and guests who will join us next summer for a wonderful time of exchange and inspiration."