SDG's AND IChO 2023

Find out what the organising team is doing to ensure that the International Chemistry Olympiad reduces its impact on our environment. And how these actions link to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Education, research and innovation

High-quality education
The IChO promotes education in chemistry for thousands of students through national competitions in almost 100 countries. The aim is to continue to increase the number of young people supported with the resources available.
Education for sustainable development
Contributing to a sustainable world calls for expertise in all disciplines and multi-faceted skills. We provide participants with expertise in chemistry and related sciences such as physics or biology. We promote competencies such as personal responsibility, social and future awareness, and interactive, interdisciplinary learning and collaboration.
Together we achieve more. Exciting formats and long-term collaborations are created with a wide variety of organisations, clubs and associations. We are grateful for a valuable, extensive and proactive network.

Equal opportunities and inclusion

Barrier-free participation
Participation in an IChO is made as accessible as possible to all young people, whatever their language, gender or financial situation. For example, a fund has been set up to subsidise fees for countries that are only able to pay part of them.
Volunteering and participation
Framework conditions will be created that recognise and show appreciation of the volunteers who form a mainstay of the IChO 2023.
Exchange between people and cultures
Whether between young people and researchers or between like-minded people from all over the world, the IChO promotes exchange with others, a change of perspective and mutual understanding on an international level.

Work, economy and consumption

Good working conditions for employees and volunteers
The IChO is a long-term platform guiding young talents towards future management positions. This project will allow us to discover and promote talent for science and business.
Responsible consumption
In our direct consumption and procurement, we respect and take into account ecological and social impacts and interrelationships.

Climate and environmental protection

Reducing our footprint
We make every effort to counteract food waste. At a large event like the IChO, offering around 18‘500 meals, this is of great importance.
Knowledge transfer
Within the framework of the event and, above all, in the campaigns leading up to it, we actively make knowledge accessible to our participants, volunteers and the national public. Various project options are being discussed which, with the appropriate financial support, could be developed and implemented.
The focus of the IChO is on chemistry, pharmaceuticals and life sciences – innovative sciences that offer solutions to urgent challenges such as energy supply or climate change. The sciences also help us to better understand the complex interrelationships in nature, and so strengthen our knowledge and awareness of the environment.