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First Part of the Exams: Done

Autorenbild: Saulė AkavickytėSaulė Akavickytė

That’s how fast it goes: the practical exams are already history. The students were able to demonstrate their skills and knowledge during five hours. Congratulations on this achievement! Also thanks to everyone who helped that all of the 348 students arrived on time at the ETH and their examination places. But how did the practical exam go? We asked some of the students.

The tasks were based around the topics of advanced separation techniques, thin layer chromatography and advanced inorganic qualitative analysis. Especially the second titration seemed to have caused some differences: “Was it blue or grey? No one here really knows”, explained Judd from South Africa. Seljan from Azerbaijan, on the other hand, is convinced, “The second titration definitely got grey! All in all, the practical exam was awesome.” Peradol from Thailand agrees, “It was quite challenging but still fun.” For Dániel from Hungary it was primarily the time management that was the most challenging. The tasks, however, were well designed, he said.

Did you know that translating all the exams is an enormous effort, done by our mentors? They meet before the exams and discuss all the tasks in detail. Then it is time to translate. The English translation provides the basis. So, a few countries are lucky and can keep the language. Nevertheless, there are about 50 translations into other languages that need to be made and that means a lot of work. So today, while students get a day to explore, all mentors will be busy translating for the theoretical exams tomorrow. In some cases, mentors choose to go for the English term if there is no direct translation.


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